We have had a really busy period in the school since our last blog. Students have been heavily engaged with assessment over the past couple of weeks and I commend them on their commitment to their studies and cooperation with teachers.
In recent weeks we have been dealing with the fallout of inappropriate social media usage which has resulted in conflict and ill feeling between a small number of students. Whilst the school provides a range of support options for students, I strongly urge all parents and carers to monitor the social media usage of their children and have conversations with them about appropriate online behaviour. You may find this link useful: https://www.esafety.gov.au/
Despite the challenges faced during Term 1, we have much to celebrate at Bundy High. There have been a number of celebrations including our annual Leadership Investiture and the awarding of our 2021 School Dux as well as year level assemblies which acknowledge student success in many areas of school life. We have also seen a number of academic, sporting and cultural events that have provided great opportunities for our students and as usual, they have done us proud!
With the holidays upon us, I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday period and I look forward to a rewarding and enjoyable Term 2.
Bundaberg State High School Investiture and Year 12 Badge Ceremony saw our Junior and Senior leaders come together in unity to make Bundaberg State High School a better place to learn and grow. More than 300 guests, including family members beamed with pride as our leaders were presented with their badges. Our Junior Representative Council (JRC), Senior Representative Council (SRC), Indigenous and House leaders have many responsibilities across the school and we look forward to watching them flourish as school leaders. Congratulations to all.

National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence
Students and staff organised a BBQ in recognition of National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence. This allowed all to encourage 'Kindness Culture' by promoting inclusion, respect and community belonging in our school.

Crazy Sock Day
Crazy Sock Day was organised by the student council representatives. Crazy Sock Day was held to promote Down Syndrome awareness. Students came dressed in various 'Crazy Socks' ranging from donning a pair of mismatched socks to brightly-coloured and themed. Even those students and staff competing in the Fast 5 Netball Competition offsite showed their supported.

2021 School Dux
Congratulations to Hannah M. who was named Bundaberg State High School 2021 Senior DUX at our recent Investiture. The determination of the Senior Dux pending the release of final QCAA results. Christine Munro accepted the Dux medal, certificate and monies on behalf of Hannah who is currently studying Medicine in Townsville at James Cook University.

Lions Youth of the Year
Lleyton P. and Brayden S. went onto the Lions Youth of the Year Regional Finals, where Brayden S. was announced the overall winner. Brayden moved on to the District Finals, performing admirably and engaged the audience with his prepared speech. Congratulations to all who competed in the competition.

Cross Country
The annual Cross-Country event at Kendall's Flat was a great day for all this Term. Students from all year levels competed over a distance of 3km, lining up at the starting line with great excitement. From this a team was selected to represent Bundaberg State High at the Bundaberg District Individual Cross-Country event at Gin Gin State High School.

Beach Day
Our annual Year 7 Beach Day was a huge success again this year. With perfect weather and great activities, students enjoyed getting to know each, while building stronger relationships with their school leaders, learning to work effectively in teams and helping to improve resilience.

Mayors Telstra Innovation Awards
Congratulations must go to our two teams that have both progressed to Phase 2 of the Mayor's Telstra Innovation Awards.
The Crisis Crew of Tiarna L., Nicole S. and Georgia H. will now continue to develop their innovative app P.E.A.K. (Preparation for Evacuation Assistance Kit). This app will look integrate Bundaberg Regional Council Interactive Flood Maps, Google Maps and the Bureau of Meteorology Weather warnings to provide members of the community real time warnings and safe evacuation routes to evacuation centres and safe havens, in the event of floods and fire.

The 'Go Local' team of Cadence Taylor, Monica Horvath and Scarlett Wallace will develop their concept of developing a website to support the local agricultural industry to find and attract dedicated employees to the area. From pickers to engineers, 'Go Local' will be a one stop shop for vocational pathways in the agricultural industry of Bundaberg.

Clean up Australia Day
Bundaberg State High Junior and Senior students joined forces to support Clean Up Australia Day. Students armed themselves with gloves, bags and tongs to collect rubbish and make a difference in our local community.

QMEA Ambassador
Lleyton P. has been announced as one of the 2022 QMEA Student Ambassador's. QMEA selects up to twenty of the best and brightest senior students each year to become QMEA Student Ambassadors. Lleyton will participate in activities over 12 months that will increase his understanding of the resources sector, provide opportunities for networking with other students and industry representatives and develop leadership skills.

Reports and Parent-Teacher Interviews
Written report cards and parent teacher interviews are a valuable way to receive feedback on how students are progressing at school.
Year 7 – 10 Interim Reports and Year 11 -12 Senior Reports will be issued on Tuesday 26th April through QParents and emailed home.
A Formal Parent-Teacher Interview evening will be held on Tuesday 3rd May 3:00pm – 5:30pm.
To coordinate the interviews we employ an online booking system (SOBS) to assist parents in securing their preferred interview times. Please note that SOBS will only be opened for bookings from Wednesday 27th April, after report cards have been issued, with final bookings for the current round of interviews being able to be made up 9am on the day of the interviews.
An email will be sent out after reports are issued with a document that outlines the steps required to book your interviews via SOBS.
What's coming up next Term
· School resumes Tuesday 19 April 2022
· School ANZAC Ceremony
· Bundaberg ANZAC Day Civic Parade
· Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews