It is hard to believe that we are almost at the halfway point of what has been an incredibly busy and very successful term. We have seen a number of wonderful whole school events take place as well as special occasions such as the Education Minister officially opening our new building. On top of that we have had students participate in many curricular and extra-curricular activities, often with great success and always with a great opportunity for learning and growth.
The term has continued to provide challenges regarding COVID and the winter flu season; hopefully the worst of that is behind us and students and staff can enjoy good health and full attendance at school. Thank you for your ongoing encouragement and support of your children as they continue to strive to do their best. I hope you enjoy the sample of this Term's school activities provided for you below.
Warm regards,
Chris Gill
NAIDOC Celebration
Our annual NAIDOC celebration took place on Friday 5 August which was another very successful event involving a number of community groups in attendance.

Minister's Visit
We were pleased to see Minister for Education, Industrial Relations and Racing Grace Grace MP back at school a few weeks ago to officially open our newest building and visit classrooms, accompanied by local MP, Tom Smith - Member for Bundaberg . Our School Leaders did an excellent job in hosting the official opening and showing the Minister around the school.

Eisteddfod Success
Our musicians represented us at the Bundaberg Eisteddfod at the Moncrieff Theatre on Tuesday 2 August and did an incredible job with a second place for strings, and performances from the Jazz Band and the Concert Band being Highly Commended.
Bulldogs Visit Bundy High
Our Years 9 to12 Rugby League students took part in a Vocational Education and Training Presentation hosted by Tony McFayden (NRL Wellbeing and Education Manager), Corban Baxter (Roosters NRLW, NSW Blues and Jillaroos Representative), Chris Lawerence (Former West Tigers NRL Player, Australian Representative) and Alex Twal (Wests Tigers NRL Player, Lebanon Rugby League Representative). This session explored a range of options for students to consider during and after high school. The session was extremely educational and informative for all participants and we would like to thank Tony, Corban, Chris, Alex and Mark Pelusi (NRL) for the opportunity.

Krispy Kreme Fundraiser
You will be aware of the P&C Krispy Kreme fundraiser that we are currently participating in. The P&C are keen to donate the funds to an important school project. Forms and money are due back by Friday 12 August, 3:00 pm.

School Opinion Survey
Please remember to complete the School Opinion Survey which is due Friday. All parents and carers received an email about this and it would be great to get everyone's feedback about our school.
Bundy High Hurricanes off to WB Championships
Our Bundy High Hurricanes boys were off to Brisbane last Friday as the Wide Bay Region Representatives in the first dedicated Vicki Wilson boys' Championships event in conjunction with the girls' Vicki Wilson Cup and Shield divisions. There are 12 boy's teams competing from across Qld in the two-day competition.

Industry Members visit Year 12 Cohort
Our Year 12 Cohort were visited by Link and Launch, industry members and past student last week. Students heard about the labour market in the Bundaberg Region and the tips and tricks on building their best resume. The event was organised by Amber from BRC Jobs Commitment and Bec from Link and Launch. A huge "thank you" to Mrs Harrap for co-ordinating the event and making it all happen.

Wakakirri Competion
An enthusiastic ensemble of twenty-five Performing Arts students took to the stage in front of a huge crowd at the Caloundra Entertainment Centre for the 30th Annual Wakakarri Dance/Story Competition. The theme for this year's show was "Rise" and our students really rose to the occasion with a story, told through dance, of the plight of our planet and the need to reverse some of the negative impact that has already been done.
The students developed the story dance incorporated the use of recycled props and costumes along with audio and visuals (projected behind the students on stage) that helped get the important message across to the audience.

2023 Year 7 Enrolments
Our team has been busy visiting our feeder schools and talking to our future Year 7 students about schooling at Bundaberg State High. This Tuesday is the first of three enrolment interviews which will take place in our new building.
Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews
On Monday 25 July we conducted our second lot of Parent/Teacher/Student interviews this year. This is always a great opportunity for all to come together to discuss the pathways of our students.
Women In Science
Cadence T. may only be 15 years old — but the young Queenslander already has her mind set on changing the world with science. A great read about Cadence and how she is making sure the under-representation of women's voices in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) is addressed.
QMEA Visit
Thanks to staff from Queensland Minerals and Energy Academy and Evolution Mining for their time with our Engineering students, designing mining vehicles!

Qld Rep Girls Softball Team
Congratulations to Tiarna L. who has been selected to represent the Qld Representative School Sport U17 Girls Softball Team to compete at the SSA 17yr4s and Under Softball Championships in Western Australia. We wish Tiarna all the best at the carnival
Quadrennial School Review
In week 2 the school underwent our scheduled Whole School Review which was completed by a team of four experienced Principals from the Education Improvement Branch. The Review lasted for four days and they interviewed 305 individuals comprising of students, parents and community members and school staff. The purpose of the Review is to identify the things in the school that are working really well and identifying areas for improvement. Once the Review findings are documented they will be forwarded to the school and the Executive Summary will be uploaded to our school website. Thank you to all who have contributed.
Athletics Carnival
Students and staff braved the cool weather on Friday 15 July to ensure our annual Athletics Carnival was a successful event. It was great to see so many students enjoying themselves in an out of the classroom context.

Instrumental Music Students Performance at Childers Festival
The Bundaberg High String Orchestra, Concert Band and Jazz Band students performed at the Childers Festival.

District Athletics Carnival
Congratulations to our School Athletics Team at the recent district carnival. Great results:
Junior Trophy – BSHS 2nd
Senior Trophy – BSHS 4th
Multi Class Trophy – BSHS 1st
Age Champions:
Riley C., Libby V., Lachlan P., Kara C. and Lochlan M.
The Department will soon be moving all consent and approvals to QParents. QParents is a secure, online portal that has been created by the Department of Education to provide parents of Queensland State Schools students with 24 hours access to their child's information. Find out more about QParents by visiting our website or contacting the school. Please check your emails for your reference codes.