We have reached the end of Term 2 and have accomplished a great deal. I look forward to analysing the academic results which will be sent out in Term 3 on Friday, 12 July. These will be emailed and available on QParents. Students have responded to teacher feedback in the drafting phase of assessment and focused on their STAR SMART Goals in order to improve their academic outcomes. I have confidence that this process will continue to evolve over the next six months.
Please book into the SOBS system to book Parent and Teacher Interviews in Term 3, Week 3, Tuesday, 23 July.
Our plans are to strengthen our Teaching and Learning Focus with further attention on specific assessment literacy skills with teachers prioritising a deep awareness of marking guides and the curriculum. We expect teachers to specifically deliver learning experiences that target student awareness of the strategies required to attain an A standard.
Next term our teachers will continue to build their professional expertise with profiling and peer observations. Students will see some additional faces in classes for a short time as these people will provide professional recognition and advice, to support the professional growth for all of our teachers.
We held a truly successful Athletics Carnival on Thursday with Pre-Events occurring on Tuesday. Mr McDonald is still finalising individual Year Level Level Champion Houses but the overall winner was again Courtice. I feel though that the real winner though was Bundaberg High as students engaged with great enthusiasm and showed incredible spirit. It truly warmed my heart to see the whole school commit so well to this event. Thank you Mr McDonald and the HPE staff for delivering a great event.

Bundy High's strong tradition of success at the Mayor's Telstra Innovation Awards continued at the final presentations on Tuesday night at the Bundaberg Multiplex. We had a record four teams who made it through to the second phase and final pitch. The quality of presentation skills was outstanding and a credit to their teachers and student preparation. Congratulations to Lachlan G., Ruby P., Emily R., Swarith C., Jasmine K., Ava K., Imogen S., Seth J., Julia G. and Manami N.

As you would be well aware, Cadence T. was successful in winning the national Lions Youth of the Year competition; an incredible effort. Well done Cadence!
Our Rugby League teams continue to perform well reaching semi-finals next term as have our Cheerleading Team who were successful in winning a silver medal at State Championships.

As you will see, we have a number of students who have gained Wide Bay selection in various sporting teams.
I would like to express my gratitude of the SRC who have driven the Pony Tail Project. This week we have had the entire staff competing to wear prink on Wednesday, raising funds for this wonderful program which supports cancer research. In particular I would like to thank School Captain, Soraya L. for her significant leadership of this project. We have some amazing young leaders at Bundaberg State High School. We should very proud of the young people they have become.

We have had our Yr. 7 students engage in their Rewards Day activity to the movies and then Bundaberg Bowl and Leisure, recognising those students who have attained our high expectations. I congratulate those students who met these standards and encourage those who fell just short to include a goal in their STAR plans to attain recognition at the end of year event. Our Yr. 8 and 9 Rewards day to Movie World will be held on Thursday, 11 July, the first week back.

We have started our Yr. 6 Transition programs to the primary schools. We have been well supported by school leaders who attended these primary schools, as they returned to support the transition visits. These students have represented our school with real maturity and confidence, testament to our established high standards and expectations.
This week we held Yr. 10 Mock Interviews to support Job Readiness for these young people in order to fully prepare students for their next transition phase. I would like to thank Jo McGrath and Dolores Mudiman and their team for the significant organisation of this event.
We are currently taking enrolments for our 2025 Year 7 students and look forward to meeting with students and parents at our enrolment interview afternoons in Term 3 for Year 6 students. Our enrolment interviews will take place on Thursday 15 August, Monday 26 August and Tuesday 3 September 2024. If you have not enrolled your child for 2025 and are intending for your child to attend Bundaberg SHS, please contact our school.
We have some movement in our leadership team next term. Josh Morris will return to the Deputy Principal role, taking responsibility for Yr. 11. We thank Nathan Halford for his significant leadership as Deputy Principal. Nathan will return to HOD Technologies. Likewise, I thank Ainslie Downs for the leadership of the HOD Technologies department in Term 2.
I have been successful in my application for the principal of Bundaberg North State High School. Pleasingly though I will remain at Bundaberg State High School for the remainder of the year, allowing greater continuity of leadership and opportunity to embed further some of our priorities. I look forward to working with the entire community for another six months.
Have a great break. Spend time with family and friends and relax a little. Please return rejuvenated for the start of term on Monday 8 July.