It is hard to believe that we are at the end of Term 3, the year has simply flown by!
As you will see below, we have had an incredibly busy term and I would like to acknowledge the commitment of students and staff to do their very best to ensure outcomes are optimised and experiences have been fulfilling.
I would like to share some staffing news; Deputy Principal, Naomi Shield has taken an opportunity to act as Deputy Principal at Isis District State High School for the remainder of the year and we look forward to Naomi returning in 2024, Ian Tranent has taken some well-deserved leave for the remainder of the Year and we look forward to Ian returning in the new year and Leanne Cooke has received a transfer to Metropolitan Region commencing in Term 4. We wish all of our valued colleague's success in their respective endeavours.
Earlier this term we were engaged in a scheduled Full School Audit which reviews all aspects of our business operation including finance, operational systems and workplace health and safety. I am delighted to report that we received the highest possible outcome in the Final Audit Report which is a credit to our tremendous Administration Staff and the effective systems and processes that are implemented in our school.
It is important to note that during the upcoming holidays as part of a refurbishment to one of our toilet facilities, work will be undertaken to remove asbestos. During this time no Department staff or students will be permitted on site.
The school office will be closed for the duration of the school holidays.
Last night we enjoyed another memorable Year 12 Formal where we celebrated 13 Years of schooling for our students. As usual the students looked magnificent and enjoyed a night of mixed emotions. Thanks must go to our staff, led by Sarah Themsen, for their commitment to making the night such a great success.
Parents of Year 12 students will have received a letter outlining the arrangements for Term 4, if you did not receive one please contact the school.
I would also like to take this opportunity to let you all know about the Career and Jobs Showcase for school leavers which will be taking place at the Bundaberg Recreational Precinct on Tuesday 10 October. This is a great opportunity for school leavers to interact with local employers who will be present, many of them with jobs ready to go. See our Facebook page for more details.
I wish everyone a safe and happy spring holiday period and I look forward to seeing everyone on the Tuesday 3 October.
Best wishes
Chris Gill
School Opinion Survey
We thank all those who responded to the email regarding our annual School Opinion Survey which was conducted between 24 July to 18 August 2023. The survey helps our school to find out what we are doing well, and where we can improve.
Year 5 Enrichment Program
This term we had our Year 5 Enrichment Program which is always extremely popular with our feeder Primary schools. This innovative program sees students develop their interest and skills through the use of specialist teachers and state of the art learning facilities. We thank our staff for organising this wonderful program for our feeder school students.
Year 12 QATSIF Graduation
During Week 5 of this term, some of our Year 12 Indigenous QATSIF Scholarship recipients attended their graduation ceremony at CQUniversity Bundaberg, along with other schools from the region. The Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Foundation (QATSIF) was created to give Queensland's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families increased educational choices and life opportunities through using the interest accrued of Stolen Wages. Our school offers QATSIF scholarships for Years 11 and 12 to assist with First Nations students' schooling and to improve educational outcomes.

Bundaberg Educational Precinct
I am pleased to advise our school community has been included in the Department of Education's Educational Precinct trial as part of the Equity and Excellence strategy.
Bundaberg, along with Mt Isa, are the first two Queensland locations to be part of the trial.
Dedicated educational precincts will offer a collaborative approach to schooling where schools in a geographical location like Bundaberg benefit from collective planning and working more closely together to meet the unique needs of our community.
It is an exciting opportunity for us. Fifteen local state schools will be part of the Bundaberg Educational Precinct and we will be supported by the department and region to participate in the trial.
Our precinct will have multiple focus areas. Together with our precinct school partners we will identify opportunities for stronger pathways to employment for young people by establishing new and strengthening existing partnerships with local industries and the broader community, increasing youth engagement and junior secondary schooling transitions.
We will also be working with local industry experts to ensure that educational and vocational pathways for young people in the Bundaberg area address the skills and workforce needs of local business and industry.
I will share with you more information regarding how you can get involved in co-designing our response plan as we are keen to hear from all members of our school community as part of our planning processes.
More information about the department's Equity and Excellence strategy and educational precincts can be found at
Welcome to the Bundy High Community
Welcome to Lyn Nichols who started as a Community Liaison Officer working with our Indigenous support team this term.
Science Week
Week 6 of this term was National Science Week. This is the week of the year that we get to celebrate and acknowledge all the amazing contributions to our society that have shaped the way that we live today. As well as promote interest and opportunities for the next generation of students that we have here at Bundy High in science.
Throughout the week was a range of events happening in and out of the school. This included the Science Roadshow where our Science Ambassador students travel to our feeder primary schools all week to present an interactive science show to Grades 5 and 6 students.
Monday 14 August, we have a group of staff and students going to the Multiplex for the Science Together Event – 20-year celebration of the Reef Guardians program. Bundy High showcased a booth at this event featuring samples of students work, including a robotic turtle developed by our STEM team of staff and students. Students also got to listen to special guest speakers including scientists from around the world (and Bundaberg – Ruben Meerman 'The Surfing Scientist') and Department of Education Director-General, Michael De'Ath. Special mention goes to our very own Jenny Y. whose won the designed for the poster that was used to advertise this event.

Heroes in Sport Program
Congratulations to Dykota C. who was successful in her application to attend the Heroes in Sport Program - a joint collaboration between James Cook University and the North Queensland Cowboys. The Heroes in Sport Program provides a combination of hands-on experiences and information sessions from a range of professionals currently working in the sports industry.
Legal Excursion 2023
Special thanks to our staff who organised the opportunity or our students studying Legal Studies to visit Brisbane and have a taste of the legal world. Students spent time at the Police Museum – looking at exhibits and solving Crime scenarios, had a talk with Supreme Court Judge, the Honourable Justice Kelly, who spoke with them about the justice system and his career path. Students then spent a day watching trial hearings and sentencing hearings. Students were able to tour Parliament House and watch part of the Estimates hearing featuring Attorney-General Yvette D'Arth and participated in a mock legislative parliamentary process. Our staff were complimented so many times for how well behaved and polite our students were.
Number 6 in QLD!From a state-wide 93-odd teams who participated in the preliminary rounds of the Vicki Wilson Championships in Term 2, the Bundy High Hurricanes male netball team are the 6th best team in Queensland! This is the best ever result of any Bundy High Netball team and comes from the third year in a row of participating in the finals series at Nissan Arena. This team have been fantastic ambassadors for men's netball and Bundy High. Massive thanks to Carolyn Young, Melanie Currie and Tom Laycock for their support and assistance.
Year 10 SET Plans
This term, staff worked in consultation with parents and students of Year 10 to develop their Senior Education and Training Plan (SET Plan). This plan supports students in setting work goals and achieving learning goals which contribute towards attaining their QCE. It also identifies students in making sure their learning is suitable to meet the interests and abilities of the student and map their learning to post school education.
Year 10 Mock Interviews
Our students in Year 10 this term took part in Mock Interview with industry members from our local community. Students dressed in suitable clothing they would wear to a job interview, brought a copy of the Resume and cover letter and prepared to answer questions and talk about themselves. I would like to thank our local community members for their ongoing support to our students in very valuable experience.
Mayoral Chaplaincy Breakfast
Our Senior, Junior and Indigenous Captains represented the school at the Mayoral Chaplaincy breakfast. Students were entertained by Olympian, Dan Smith who shared his inspirational story with the audience. Dan followed up by attending our Senior Assembly after the breakfast, where he shared his story with our Year 11 and 12 students. Our students engaged incredibly well with Dan who was very open about his personal struggles and triumphs.
Bullying, NO WAY!
As part of our promotion of the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence, students and staff wore our Crazy Socks and during session 4 took part in an activity acknowledging the importance of doing everything we can to tackle bullying and violence in our community. Thank you to everyone involved.

Mentorship for our Mayor's Telstra Innovation Awards Winners
Thursday 17 August, our Mayor's Telstra Innovation Awards winners Cadance T., Aida P. and Nicole S. had their first business planning meeting with Queensland University of Technology's (QUT) Mr Vibhor Pandey. QUT were announced the winners of the Entrepreneurial University of the Year Award for Asia Pacific!! Vibhor is very generously donating his time to provide mentorship to the team to help bring their safety concept to life and develop into an actual tangible, marketable and sellable product. The students scheduled three business sprints over the next 6 months to conduct research, develop a plan for their business, revenue raise and prototype.

Arts Showcase
We saw an outstanding celebration of our Arts Program on Tuesday 22 August evening in the Assembly Hall with our Annual Arts Showcase. There was a large audience present to watch two hours of wonderful performances from our Arts students across all of the disciplines. Congratulations to Warren Duxbury (HOD) and his team for a really enjoyable evening.

First Nations students attended the 2023 PCCC Dorrie Day
On Thursday 24 August, a group of Yrs. 9, 10, 11 & 12 First Nations students, attended the 2023 PCCC Dorrie Day. Dorrie Day is an Indigenous focused employment and training expo focused on introducing First Nations students to businesses and organisations that can provide opportunities to them as they move through school and begin their post-school journeys. Students were immersed in culture beginning the day with a welcome by clan group Elders, smoking ceremony and traditional dance. Following this, students spent the day exploring the expo and speaking directly to employers whom they would like to work for. The cherry on top was when students got to engage with some of their idols including Sam Thaiday & Antonio Kafusi. It was great to hear these footy legends talking about hard work and success to students. All students were wonderfully behaved and it was great to spend the day together, exploring the vast array of opportunities available for First Nations community. Thank you to Sarah, Katrina, Abe, Lyn & Lucy for supporting this event & a huge thank you to PCCC for hosting the day.

Student poised to be a master of moves
Congratulations to Shaurya J. who recently took out the U16s firs place for the Qld Junior Chess Championships 2023.

We had some outstanding success with the performance of our Optiminds teams this term. Students placed first and second in the Regional Finals. The winning team will be representing us at the state final in Brisbane in October. Congratulations to Mrs Downs and the team for such an outstanding achievement.
Bundaberg Lions Club Donation
A huge thanks to the Bundaberg Lions Club for their book donations as part of Book Week 2023! This year, we were presented with copies of “Bert, The Boy Who Had A Dream" by local author Elaine Lyons which will be used when our junior classes look at memoirs and local history.

Wide Bay Touch Carnival
Congratulations to our Touch teams for their efforts at the Wide Bay Touch Carnival. Our three teams, Open Mixed, 15 Boys and 15 Girls all came away as champions in their respective Divisions. Congrats to Mr Lachlan Walker as Convenor and our awesome staff for supporting the event and our teams.

Scholarship Awards
On Tuesday morning, 5 September, seven Bundaberg Regional Youth Scholarship Awards were announced in a ceremony at the Multiplex. Bundy High students; Patrick Y., Lauren B. and Anna H. were all awarded. Former student, Atyaf A. also received one of the scholarships. Congratulations to our scholarship recipients.

Cultural Wellbeing Circle' / Yarning Circle
Last week, our First Nations students and staff sat with Adrian 'Wakka Boy' Chapman to share their ideas for the L Block mural, that will be the backdrop for the upcoming 'Cultural Wellbeing Circle'/Yarning Circle. Also, a handful of students took part in the Youth In Touch program run by SBPO Michael where BSHS staff and students managed to win the carnival after a drop off, beating both BYLC and QPS teams! Thank you to Michael and the other police officers and police liaison officers involved for a fun day!
Students attended a NAIDOC excursion last Thursday, exploring Taribelang Bunda country, hearing yarns about the sacrifices of elders and the eventual triumphs of Taribelang people's. This excursion was able to highlight strength, perseverance, reverence for Country and resilience to show what each student can do within their own journeys. Thank you to Taribelang Cultural Tours for hosting us and all the staff that helped so this excursion was able to take place.
JET Plan Interviews
Thursday and Friday of this week our Year 9 students and parents meet with staff to attended a JET Plan meeting. These meetings assist our students in their transition to Senor Schooling, while ensuring the course of study reflects their preferred pathway.
Outdoor Learning Centre
We have been very busy this term is the organising the design and construction of our new 'Outdoor Learning Centre' (under-covered space and sports courts). I am delighted to announce that we are in the final stage of the tender process and we expect to be able to award the contract to the successful tenderer by the start of Term 4. Construction is expected to get underway by the end of October with a completion date set for the start of Term 1 2024.
Covered Link Walkway
Works are underway with the new covered link walkway between X and T Blocks.