We have reached the midway point of a very busy term. I am extremely proud of the depth of opportunity we continue to provide for all students. The multitude of pathways and experiences we provide ensure that students from Bundaberg State High School are provided with every opportunity to engage successfully at school, build academic and social competence and explore valid transition pathways, whether they be tertiary education or employment orientated. I am sure that you will be able to see these events highlighted later in the blog.
I would like to also highlight to the community that the way our students have represented both us and the wider youth of Queensland, has been refreshing. In a time where the youth of today are receiving negative media attention, our students have shown positive leadership and maturity. I could not be prouder of our student body.
Just this morning we as a school engaged in the Domestic Violence Walk to remember the victims of abuse and take a stand to stop this ongoing scourge in our society. We then walked to school as a group to recognise Walk to School Day, prioritising fitness and physical activity; key elements of a healthy lifestyle and mental health. At the same time, we took the opportunity to highlight safe movement on our roads, an issue which has arisen of late around our school.
I would also like to highlight the importance of student attendance. We understand that students face a multitude of complexities in their lives but I am concerned that all of our Year Levels have attendance rates under 90%. Our overall school attendance rate is currently 84.8%. Poor student attendance may affect student invitations to significant school events such as Extra Curricula engagement or events such as the formal.
Attendance rates
Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Year 12
I stress that every day counts. To ensure that students have the best chance of success and build positive relationships, they need to attend consistently. If you are having problems getting your child to school, please contact the relevant HUB or a Guidance Officer to see what supports can be provided.
The majority of students have received their Report cards and should be well aware of their academic results. Year 12 students will receive their Report cards soon. We are asking students to complete their STAR plans with associated goals. Please support students by writing specific goals that are targeting the feedback they received at the end of their last assessment piece. It should relate to the specific skills and processes within their learning, rather than an effort-based comment. This is part of our whole school plan to improve academic results and is related to our teaching and learning priorities.
Lastly I would like to inform the community that Naomi Shield, a long serving Deputy Principal at Bundaberg State High, has taken a leadership role at Isis District State High School. Naomi has left a significant mark on the ethos and footprint of our school. Her empathetic and warm approach, strong relational skills and overall leadership will be sorely missed. I know that she too has strong emotional ties to our school and this has been a difficult decision but one where she is looking forward to the challenge of supporting the development of staff and students at another school. Thank you, Naomi and good luck. Dan O'Brien is filling in as the Deputy Principal behind Naomi. He is currently responsible for Yr. 8 and HR responsibilities. We wish Dan all the best in his new role. Alan Byrnes is currently the Acting HOD Science behind Dan.
Cadence Lions Youth of the Year State Finalist
Over the Easter holidays, Cadence T. participated at the district round of the Lions Youth of the Year in Mooloolaba against five other students from as far as Emerald, Biloela and Rockhampton, Gympie and Noosa.
Again, she participated in an interview with a panel of six judges before the public speaking portion of the event.
Each of these students were amazing representatives of their schools and Lions clubs. They performed well individually and should have been proud of their efforts. Cadence was awarded the overall winner and went on to the State Finals in Cairns where she was announced the winner and will compete in Darwin on Sunday at the Australian final. We wish Cadence all the best.

ANZAC Parade
Our staff and students who engaged with Anzac Day Services at school on Wednesday, 24 April. I was truly impressed by the quality of service we provided at school, which included the student speeches, the supporting pamphlet and the performance of the band. Student behaviour was also of the highest order, testament to the high standards and expectations expected and established at Bundaberg State High.
ANZAC Community March
On Thursday 25 April, our Senior Captains and staff represented Bundaberg State High School at the Dawn Service in Burnett Heads, Bargara and Bundaberg. The Senior Captains and staff were joined by a large group of students at the Bundaberg Community ANZAC Parade march this year. It was humbling to see so many of our students and staff pay their respects, standing together on this national day of remembrance.
Students compete in Fanfare
Our Instrumental Music students, who competed in the district heads at Fanfare, have done us very proud. Bundaberg State High School was represented by our String Orchestra, Concert Band and Jazz Ensemble. Results were as follows: String Orchestra Division 2 – Silver. Concert Band Division 3 - Gold and Stage Band Division 2 – Platinum. Our students and staff have worked extremely hard to achieve these results and it is wonderful to see our students thriving in this important program here at Bundy High.

Parent/Teacher/Student interviews
Thank you to our parents and students who attended our Parent/Teacher/Student interviews this term. The professionalism and organisation of these interviews was outstanding. This is an important opportunity for all parties to meet and discuss not only students' progress, also any concerns and future pathways.
Raw Awakening
Students who are part of our Ignite program have been working with Tim from Raw Awakening each week as part of their HPE curriculum. It is great to see a friendly game of Touch where staff and students have to work together.

BSHS students make contact with International Space Station
On Saturday evening, 4 May students from Bundaberg SHS were given the special opportunity to make contact with the International Space Station and Astronaut Dr. Michael Barratt. The students tracked the ISS as it moved across the Great Australian Bite. Connection was made through a receiver near Adelaide and then via telebridge to Bundaberg. The students designed their own questions to ask Astronaut Dr. Barratt, allowing them to learn more about the training, missions and physiological implications of spending time in space. This all occurred in the twelve minute contact. It was an absolute privilege for the students to speak with such an outstanding scientist as Dr. Barratt. The students represented themselves, their families and their school with distinction and were extremely appreciative of the contact that was made possible by a team from the Bundaberg Amateur Radio Club, ARISS and NASA.
Aerospace Expo
Bundaberg State High School proudly launched the Aerospace Expo today to celebrate becoming an Aerospace Gateway to Industry Program School. We invited students from other High School and members of the community to the Expo. We would like to thank Jo McGrath and Dolores Mudiman for their exceptional organisation of the Expo. This event highlighted career pathways and study options available at Bundaberg SHS.

Taking a stand against domestic violence
This morning, staff and students met at Bywash Park, Flint Street and walked in unity to take a stand against Domestic Violence and remember those who have lost their lives. We then walked as a collective group to school together, incorporating 'Walk to School Day' and a reminder of Road Safety. It was great to walk with many of our students and staff behind our school flag.

Science and Engineering Challenge winners
Twenty-three students in Years 9 and 10 participated in the Science and Engineering Challenge bringing home the trophy! The Challenge runs for a whole day and there were some exceptional results on the day from individual groups. Bundaberg SHS however came away with the coveted first place.
Community Cabinet meeting
Some of our school facilities were used last week for the Community Cabinet. This was a great opportunity for BSHS to shine. Our String students did an amazing job in their performance to cabinet, stakeholders and the community. Our Senior Leaders who attended the evening, welcomed members of parliament to the school and engaged maturely and responsibly as young adults. Their performance is testament to the school's outstanding expectations, ongoing capacity building and support of student development.
As we head into the cooler weather, our tuckshop menu has been updated. You can see the menu on our website.
Mother's Day stall
Thanks to our P&C association for their significant work to provide a Mother's Day stall for our students who did not get the chance to purchase something for Mum elsewhere. All funding from our P&C goes back into the school, supporting our school and students. If you would like to come along to our P&C meetings, all are welcome. The next meeting is Wednesday, 19 June, at 5:30pm in our old library, P Block.
Students visit Bundaberg Careers Expo
On Wednesday, 8 May, all Senior Students attended the Bundaberg Careers Expo at the Bundaberg Multiplex. The Bundaberg Careers Expo is designed as an opportunity for people across the Bundaberg Region to connect with leading local employers, education institutions and registered training organisations. Bec Egan from Link and Launch and her team do a great job in organising this Expo for our students.
BSHS Breaky Club
At Bundaberg State High School we focus on providing our students with the best education possible. We strive to make sure all our students have the tools and resources they need to prepare them for tomorrow's workforce. A nutritious breakfast is essential in preparing students to learn and achieve each and every day. We thank our local suppliers who donate food for this important program and our staff who run it for our students.
Regional Basketball Champions
Congratulations to our Open Boys Basketball team who competed at the Qld Regional Champion Basketball School tournament in Rockhampton. They competed in three games, coming home with three wins! Thanks to staff who take the time to train and support our students.
Pressler Brown 15km Trial
Our rowers endurance was tested in the Pressler Brown 15km time trial. Students rowed from the town pontoon to the port at Burnett Heads and did us proud with their effort and behaviour. Thanks to Kylie Wurzbacher who supports our students in rowing.

QSSRL Titles
Well done to the Bundy High contingent of the Wide Bay U18 Schoolgirls Rugby League side who attended the QSSRL titles in Townsville. Mr Findlay (trainer), Miss Hooper (Manager) and Mr Handley (coach) were joined by front rower Dykota C., halfback Sarah B. and winger Lucy M. All girls performed strongly for their region and will bring their experience and skills back to our Bundy High Opens team.

Bundy High Hurricanes
Our Bundy High Hurricanes had an outstanding day at the Wide Bay Vicki Wilson Netball Championship.
Our Open Girls and Boys teams were both successful in making it to their respective grand final, with the Boys going on to compete at the State comp. The Senior Development team were undefeated in their division, placing first, and the Junior Girls team finished strongly in third place.
Congratulations Sophie
Congratulations to Sophie M. who captained the 16-19yrs Wide Bay Netball team at the QSSS. Championships. Sophie was voted MVP of the carnival and selected in the P&P play-off game.

Season Champions
Congratulations to our U16s Girls and U16s Boys Futsal teams who are the season Champions.

Cheer Team off to Qld State Finals
Bundy High Hornets Cheer Team are going to QLD State Finals. Students performed with an impressive performance at the Regions in late April, received great feedback and a score of 75.00. This is the first time we have had a Cheer Team at Bundy High and the first competition students attended.