Welcome to an exciting initiative for our school, our first ever School Blog. Through this forum, communication will come out three times per term featuring some of the exciting events that have taken place at school and providing some information on upcoming events. I hope you enjoy the information and the photographs.
Obviously the start to the school year has presented some challenges in relation to managing the ongoing COVID situation. I appreciate how frustrating it is for everyone and I thank you for your understanding. I will continue to send out any necessary correspondence and we will continue to promote COVID-safe practices and support students and staff by providing Rapid Antigen Tests where necessary.
Despite the challenges we have had a very positive start to the year. Our school enrolment sits at just over 1600 students which is slightly more than predicted. Now that COVID restrictions have been lifted it is great that we are able to recommence important school activities such as assemblies and face-to-face meetings. Whilst we have developed our skills with meetings held online, there is no substitute for bringing people together to share messages and celebrate important occasions.
I am very pleased to announce that our new building has been in operation since the start of the school year with students and staff enjoying the state of the art facilities available. At a date still to be determined we will host an official opening with the Education Minister officiating.
It has been great to see that our Year 7 students have settled into school life very well and I am very pleased with their engagement in their learning programs and extra-curricular events. Our Year 7 and Junior Hub staff have done a great job in supporting this transition and I invite any parents to make contact with the Junior Hub staff if you have any questions about school life.
One of the highlights for our new Year 7 students and our keen swimmers was our annual swimming carnival which was held a few weeks ago. From that event our Bundy High Swimming Team was selected which represented us at the District Swimming Carnival last Friday.

This time of year is not only a busy one for academic pursuits with assessment being completed across all year levels but it is also extremely busy for sport. Wednesday afternoon sport has been underway for a few weeks, District Trials, Regional Trials and some State Championship events have already taken place. I would like to thank our community for their outstanding support of our sporting teams through the significant sponsorship of a number of our sporting teams.
Despite the disrupted start to the year our Student Representative Council have been very active putting together plans for a number of important events. There are again big plans in place for the National Day of Action against Bullying, a rescheduled plan for Clean up Australia Day and preparations for ANZAC Day which falls in the first week back after the Easter Vacation.
Lastly, I would like to make mention of our rescheduled Leadership Investiture which will take place on March 22. Invitations will be sent out to parents and carers and special guests for this very important event. Regrettably we have had to place limits on the number in attendance due to the limited size of our Assembly Hall and the large numbers of students we will have in attendance.
Upcoming events
| Date
| Item
| 18 March
| National Day of Action Against Bullying
| Yr 12 CQU Experience Day
| 21 March
| P & C Mtg. P Block 5pm
| 24 March
| BSHS Inter-house Cross Country
| 28-30 March
| Year 12 Block exams
| 30 and 31 March
| Year 7 Beach Day
2022 Next Step survey
The Queensland Government is conducting its annual statewide survey of all students who completed Year 12 in 2021. The Next Step survey is a brief, confidential survey that gains a comprehensive picture of the employment, study and life choices made by Queensland school completers in the year after they finish Year 12.
Between March and June, all our students who completed Year 12 last year can expect to receive instructions to complete a web-based survey or a telephone call from the Queensland Government Statistician’s Office. Please encourage them to take part. If their contact details have changed, please assist the interviewer with their updated details or forward the survey to their new address so they can participate.
Thank you for your support of the Next Step survey in 2022.
Further information on Next Step, including results from previous years, is available online at
www.qld.gov.au/nextstep or on toll free telephone 1800 068 587.