Year 10 CQU Excursion
Part of the SET plan process (planning pathways beyond school) is for students to explore what courses they could study. CQU is having an open day for us on 11 May 2022. Discover the range courses from Certificate III level right to Undergraduate degrees.
Permission forms have been handed out and emailed to students. An electronic copy has also been emailed to parents. Forms must be returned to the senior hub by 20 April 2022.
Retail Immersion Excursion
Hinkler Central and Bundaberg Jobs Commitment are hosting an immersive experience day at the Multiplex on Wednesday 4th May. This will be a full day of learning and participating in activities which will highlight the key skills required for retail and sales. It will also be a great opportunity to meet and talk to potential employers. Limited spots available. If your child is interested in attending this event but they have lost their form please email Ms Jo McGrath
Year 10 Work Experience
The year 10's will be participating in Work Experience from 21st to 24th June. All students have been given the necessary documentation to seek and apply for work experience.
Ms McGrath and Ms Ellul have offered students support through this process.
Due dates are:
Key dates to remember:
- Thursday 28 April 2022
DUE DATE for students to return their completed application forms to their Work Studies teacher. - Tuesday 24 May to Thursday 2 June 2022
Distribution of Work Experience Packs to students. Students will need to check their emails for collection notification. - Thursday 9 June 2022
DUE DATE for students to return their signed agreements to the Pathways Officer in Room D09.
Job and Career Vacancies
Limited opportunities have become available for work experience in:
- Heath
- Hospitality
- Manufacturing
- Stone Masonry
- Electrical
School Based Traineeships/Apprenticeships (1 day a week):
- Certificate III in Business School Based Traineeship located in a Bakery (could lead further into to Baker Apprenticeship for the right student)
Full time employment:
- Brick-laying Apprenticeship
For more information on these work experience, School-based traineeships and apprenticeships and jobs opportunities, please contact Ms Ellul
Their journey begins….
Will Shield (Year 11) has signed up to a full time Apprenticeship with Baldry and Kemp Diesel. Will's success is due to his persistence and commitment to pursuing an apprenticeship as a Diesel Mechanic. Will studied a Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation at TAFE in 2021 and then undertook work experience at two local diesel mechanics before being offered a full-time position. Congratulations Will, we wish you the best and plenty of success in your new role.

Other great stuff….
Keen on studying medicine at University of Queensland?
The University of Queensland Rural Clinical School is hosting a virtual information session to learn about the different pathways and entry requirements into medicine.
Whether you're considering the UCAT or GAMSAT entry pathway into Medicine at UQ, this is the session for you!
Date: Wednesday 4 May 2022
Time: 6-7.30pm
Location: Virtually via Zoom (link to be provided after registration)
Register for this event by 3 May 2022
To report broken links in any of the articles above, please email Ms Ellul