Dear Parents and Carers
As we approach the midway point of the term we are busily preparing for important events still to come this year as well as preparations for the commencement of the 2024 School Year. I am able to report that our most important 2024 preparation tasks including; timetable, staffing and budget are well advanced in their development.
As usual at this time of the year our Year 12 ATAR students are busily navigating their way through their External Exam timetable. These exams commenced at the beginning of last week and will continue for another couple of weeks. I very much look forward to celebrating the success of our Year 12 students at our Graduation Ceremony on Friday, 17 November. I also remind you of our annual Awards Ceremony which will be held on Thursday 16 November at the Moncrieff Theatre, if you are planning on attending please ensure you have booked tickets.
I will take this opportunity to remind you all that the final day for Year 12 students is Friday 17 November. The final day for the year for 2023 for Years 10 and 11 students is Friday 24 November and the final day for Years 7, 8 and 9 students are Friday 8 December.
QMEA Ambassador
Congratulations to Cadence T. who has been selected as a 2024 Queensland Minerals and Energy Academy (QMEA) Student Ambassador. There were only twenty Student Ambassador roles awarded for 2024 in this prestigious program from a pool of forty applicants. As part of this role Cadence will participate in a number of QMEA activities across a twelve-month period that will increase her understanding of the resources sector, develop leadership skills and provide opportunities for networking with other students and industry representatives. Cadence is a very worth candidate for QMEA.

STEM Japan Global Student Program
Year 10 student Imogen S. has been successful in her application to participate in the STEM Japan Global Student Program. This two-week program invites thirteen high performing Year 10 State High School (including college and academy) students studying Japanese language and STEM subject(s) and two accompanying teacher chaperones to travel to Japan for two weeks in the upcoming school holidays. Students and their chaperones will experience school life and undertake visits to sites of cultural and historical significance in Hiroshima and Kyoto.
As part of the program, students will improve language proficiency and engage in industry visits where they will experience real world STEM applications. We congratulate Imogen on her wonderful success.

State Finals Opti-MINDS Team brings home a Silver
Our Opti-MINDS Team returned from the State Final in Brisbane with a silver medal - outstanding effort!
Congratulations to our outstanding students and to our supporting staff who support this important opportunity for students.
Instrumental Music Central Qld Tour
Forty-two students imparked on a Central Qld Instrumental Music Tour performing for primary school students at Calliope, Biloela, Monto and Mount Perry. We received wonderful feedback from the Principal of Biloela State School commending the performance of our instrumental music students during their tour of Central Queensland.
Rugby League Celebrations
We held the end of season Rugby League celebration in the Assembly Hall this term, which included a number of sponsors and a large number of students. It was a great celebration highlighting the strength of our program. A big thanks to our sponsors and staff for their ongoing support throughout the season.
Bundaberg District Year 12 First Nation Achievements
On Thursday of Week 3 this term, the annual Bundaberg District Year 12 Indigenous Celebration event was held at The Waves Sports Club where graduating Year 12 First Nation students celebrated their achievements with the community.
The annual Wonders of Science program took our school teams to Gladstone resulting in a first place for our Year 7 team. A big thanks to our Science staff for supporting this great opportunity .

YAP Program
Our newest recipients of the Young Achievers Program Scholarship were presented at the UQ Medical school facility near the Bundaberg Hospital. Congratulations to Brody A., Tony P., Aidan T., Tyson Jr H., Imogen S. and Lillyian P.
Students selected for the program benefit from:
· Ongoing mentorship from current university students for the 2 years of Senior school.
· On-campus experiences, such as two residential camps held at UQ's St Lucia campus
· Financial assistance of $1000 per year during Years 11 and 12
· Scholarship support of up to $7000 per year for up to four years for those who enrol full-time in a UQ undergraduate program after completing Year 12
· Five ATAR adjustment factors that can help with entry into UQ
· Assistance with university pathways and application procedures
· Opportunities for personal growth and leadership development
· Tailored transition advice and student support services throughout your university journey
Mobility 2032: Fast Tracks and Future Hacks
On Wednesday 25 October, our Mayor's Telstra Innovation Awards winners Hard Headz - Cadence T., Aida P. and Nicole S. were invited by the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) to present their winning pitch at the Mobility 2032: Fast Tracks and Future Hacks Conference in Brisbane. This conference was hosted at QUT's Gardens Point Campus and organised by the collaboration between QUT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston (MIT) and the University of Auckland as they have been tasked with the job to prepare for initiatives that will shape the mobility of athletes, visitors and local community for the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Brisbane.
The students presented with a clear excitement and passion for their eScooter safety initiative, with a genuine appreciation for the opportunity they have been presented with. Following their presentation they received a huge applause and at the competition of the event when from being the slightly shy and timid students to being the celebrities of the conference where everyone wanted to talk to them about their idea and journey.

Mental Health Week
This year was our second year running Mental Health Week as we continue our journey to create a supportive and understanding environment. The dedication and commitment displayed is nothing short of inspiring.
From organising engaging activities each day to fostering meaningful conversations, have left an impact on our students and definitely got them out and about connecting with and supporting each other.

Music at Hinkler Hall of Aviation
On Sunday 10 September, Bundaberg State High School instrumental music groups performed outside the Hinkler Hall of Aviation at the Botanic Gardens. It was a wonderful day where our students were able to showcase their musical talents to the wider community.

ATSIAP Regional Challenge
Junior students Emily B., Brock H., Seth J. and Azri T. who represented BSHS in the Regional ATSIAP Academic Challenge, are now invited to participate in the State Challenge later this term in Brisbane.

Giving Back to the Community
Our Ponytail Project fundraising was a brilliant success this year. Eleven students and two staff members chopped their hair to donate to the Cancer Council to make wigs for cancer patients. Students and staff had been planning this day since February with the goal of chopping our hair and trying to make a little money for the Cancer Council. Over $4700 was raised and donated.

Celebrating World Teachers Day
I would like to acknowledge the great work our teaching staff do with our students and thank them for their professionalism and commitment to student success. We seldom take the time to stop and reflect on our successes and I think Word Teacher Day should be one of those occasions where we do pause and celebrate all of the great work that is done.

Supporting Bandanna Day
Students and staff purchased bandannas on Friday 27 October to raise funds and awareness for Canteen. Showing support for young people impacted by cancer.
Everyday Counts
Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, our First Nations Support team take the school bus out and collect a number of our First Nations Students and bring them to school. Our families are very thankful for this additional support which assists the students to get to school bright and early.