Dear Parents and Carers
As we approach the midway point of the term we are busily preparing form important events still to come this year as well as preparations for the commencement of the 2023 School Year. I am able to report that our most important 2023 preparation tasks including timetable, staffing and budget are well advanced in their development.
As usual at this time of the year our Year 12 ATAR students are busily navigating their way through their External Exam timetable. These exams commenced at the beginning of last week and will continue for another couple of weeks. I very much look forward to celebrating the success of our Year 12 students at our Graduation Ceremony on Friday 18 November at the Moncrieff.
I will take this opportunity to remind you all that the final day for Year 12 students is Friday 18 November. The final day for the year for 2022 for Years 10 and 11 students is Friday 25 November and the final day for Years 7, 8 and 9 students is Friday 9 December.
As has been communicated previously, our Uniform Shop has closed with uniforms now available through our new supplier, Struddy's via an online shop. Communication will be coming out shortly about the "pop up" stores which will provide details about the opportunities for families to have students try on clothes. Information regarding the new uniform processes was emailed out recently. If you need any help with the uniform process you are welcome to go directly to Struddy's or contact the school office for assistance.
Following on from our School Review which was completed last Term, we are currently developing our 2022-2025 Strategic Plan. We have been through a collaborative process and hope to have a draft to be able to share with our community in coming weeks. This is a very important process because it sets out our strategic direction for the next four years.
We are excited to share with family, friends and the 2022 Bundaberg State High School Year 12 Graduates our Annual Graduation ceremony. We ask all parents/carers of Year 12 students to please check their emails as a letter of invitation has been sent. It was lovely to see the Year 12 Bundaberg State High School graduating students of 2022 in Bundaberg Today newspaper on Friday 28 October in the Yearbook Class of 2022.
Awards Evening
Our Awards Evening will be held on Thursday 17 November at 6:30 pm. This is always a highlight of the year as we celebrate with students, parents, family and invited guests, the success of our students in academic, sporting and cultural excellence. Families of those students receiving an award in Year 12 will have received their invitation via email recently. Students in Years 7 to 11 who are receiving an award received a letter to take home to their parents last week. The Awards Evening is a ticketed event and it is important to get in early to get your tickets for seating. Please contact the school if you have any questions.
Careers and Jobs Showcase
Our students visited the Careers and Jobs Showcase at the beginning of the term. It was an excellent event with around sixty exhibitors and around fifty "live" jobs available for students. As usual our students engaged and represented our school really well with a number of students gaining employment from the experience.
All School Touch Tournament
Four teams from Bundy High headed down to the Gold Coast for the annual All Schools Touch Tournament in Week 1, Term 4. Teams performed well and the students really enjoyed the experience. A big thanks to all of the staff for their commitment to our students involved.
Student Reports went out earlier this Term. If you would like to speak to any of your children's teachers about how your student is progressing in their class, please feel free to contact your student's teacher as they are always willing to support students in achieving their best.
Indigenous Bundaberg District Year 12 Graduation
Our Indigenous Year 12 students attended the annual Bundaberg District Year 12 Indigenous Celebration event. This was a wonderful morning as we recognised with our Indigenous community the efforts and success of Year 12 Indigenous students.
Mental Health Week
Bundy High's Student Council and staff came together with community members and organisations by having different activities each day throughout Mental Health Week. Students wanted to bring awareness to looking after our mental health, foster belonging in our school community and forge new connections not only between us but with organisations that offer activities, programs and support in regard to mental health.
Some of the things on offer were: lawn games, music under the tree, Zumba, board and card games, fitness classes and Market Day Support stalls.

Over the holidays
Over the September holidays, Year 12 student Lleyton P., attended the Australian Honours Ensemble Program (AHEP) and performed in a spectacular concert. Lleyton played clarinet as part of the AHEP Wind Orchestra. The ensemble performed on Saturday evening Sunday 1 October 1st as part of the Grand Finale Concert at the Queensland Conservatorium at Griffith University. Lleyton found the experience of playing with like-minded musicians extremely valuable.

Excel Science
Over the past few months our EXCEL Science students have been working with researchers from the University of Queensland, as part of the Wonders of Science programs. Students conducted investigations and gathered data to draw conclusions that was delivered in a presentation. Two teams from each of the Year 7-9 EXCEL classes were selected as Bundaberg State High School Representatives for the Regional Finals in Gladstone. Bundy High has a proud and successful history in the competition and this year's representatives did not disappoint. Our Year 7 girls' team, Year 8 team and Year 9 team each took out first place. In addition, each of our other teams placed in the top three for each year level. Our winning teams will now travel to Brisbane to compete in the State Finals.

Qld Inter-school Chess Championships
Four determined Bundaberg State High School students from Years 7, 8 and 10 competed in the QLD Inter-school Chess Championships. Student competed in six games against various schools. Congratulations to Riley N., Ewan K., Swarith C. and Shaurya J. for giving it their all, and conducting themselves in a manner most befitting a BSHS student. Special congratulations go to Shaurya J. who achieved an impressive 5/6, not only coming 1st regionally but 2nd overall in the State!
Bundy High's got talent
Students and staff have been gathering each Friday during 1st break to watch, support and cheer on students who have been participating in the 'Bundy Highs Got Talent'.

Inaugural Challenge a huge success
Staff at Bundaberg High organised an inaugural Netball and Rugby League Challenge with other schools in the region in this term. Students from far and wide came together to the Bundaberg Region for the comp. It was a great day by all and feedback from the other schools really positive and in support of doing it again next year. Students were able to have lots of fun and refine their skills in their sport.

$20 BOSS Program
Our Year 8A students have been working hard on their entrepreneurial skills with the $20 BOSS Program. Students are given $20 to come up with a business in which they are required to make item/s to sell, look at marketing, finance and how a business operates. Students will sell these items at market days and all funds raised will go to charity.

Year 7 and Year 8 Leadership Camp
Some of our Year 7 and Year 8 students attended Leadership Camp over a couple of days last week at Riverside Retreat. The students had a great time and engaged really well in the activities. They all arrived home with smiling faces and I am sure slept well over the weekend!

RACQ Coffee Van
RACQ shouted staff to a free coffee last week as part of education month. The Regional Manager of RACQ said that he attends a number of schools for functions but has never been to a school our size where he has witnessed such positive staff culture and well-behaved students.

Wakairri National Winning Schools
After an amazing 2022 season, Wakairri is winding up the year with a showcase of some of this year's national winning schools and their 'behind the scenes' stories. These schools answer to the question "why did you choose to tell this story?" are as diverse as the stories themselves and an inspiring insight into arts education in our schools today. Take a look at Bundaberg State High Schools, a story about rising to the challenge of global warming.
CQU Academy Learning Centre
Our Year 11 students were visited by two staff members from CQU Academy Learning Centre last week to conduct workshop for students on Academic Writing. We thank CQU Bundaberg for their support in these workshops that benefit our students.

Libby V
Congratulations to Libby V. who competed in Special Olympics National Games in Launceston recently. Some of the achievements Libby achieved were: gold in 400 relays, silver in 200 and bronze in shot put. Awesome effort backing up from School State.