It is hard to believe that we are at the end of Term 3, the year has simply flown by!
We have had an incredibly busy term and I would like to acknowledge the commitment of students and staff to do their very best to ensure outcomes are optimised and experiences have been fulfilling.
New uniform purchasing arrangements
After an extensive process to find a new uniform supplier I am pleased to announce that Struddy's was successful in the tender process and will take over the sale of uniforms from the start of Term 4. The purchase of uniforms from Struddy's will be via an online shop and will see orders delivered directly to homes. This means that school uniforms will no longer be able to be purchased directly from the school. Struddy's will operate pop-up stores at key times for try ons and to support the online purchase processes. You can expect to see promotional material coming out about this change in the next week or two.
School Review and Strategic Plan
Our School Review was completed earlier in the term which provided feedback to the school about the great work that is happening in the school and it identified areas for improvement. I was particularly proud of the glowing feedback we received about our positive school culture, the amazing opportunities we provide for our students and the incredible connection we have to our broader community. Following on from the Review the school is required to create a new four-year Strategic Plan which we are excited to get started on. We have spent considerable time as a school staff unpacking the Review findings and considering options for our strategic planning focus.
Throughout Term 4 we will be working to put together the strategic plan in consultation with our school community. Once we have completed a draft we will undertake to seek feedback from students, staff, parents and the broader community.
Year 12
Last week we enjoyed another memorable Year 12 Formal where we celebrated thirteen years of school for our students. As usual the students looked magnificent and enjoyed a night of mixed emotions. Special thanks must go to our staff, led by Alley Morris, for their commitment to making the night such a great success.

Parents of Year 12 students will have received a letter outlining the arrangements for Term 4, if you did not receive one please contact the school.
I would also like to take this opportunity to let you all know about the Career and Jobs Showcase for school leavers which will be taking place at the Bundaberg Multiplex on Wednesday 5 October. This is a great opportunity for school leavers to interact with local employers who will be present, many of them with jobs ready to go. See our Facebook page for more details.
I wish everyone a safe and happy spring holiday period and I look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday 4 October.
Wakakirri Success

We were recently advised of our successful winning of a number of awards at the recent Wakakirri Storytelling competition our students attended in Caloundra. Awards received included:
- Best direction (overall)
- Excellent theme/concept
- Excellent construction and clarity
- Excellent ensemble
- Amazing projection
- Best public speaking
- Best minimal use of sets, props or costumes
- Spirit of Wakakirri Award.
In addition the group was nominated for a National Festival Award: The Environmental Story Award! Congratulations to all our students and amazing Art Department staff who gave up their own time to workshop ideas, choreograph and rehease.

Bulldogs Visit
As our Rugby League draws to a close for 2022 with the end of the Dolphins Cup and Challenge campaigns our students received a visit from some Bulldogs players organised by our HPE Department staff to have a training session with our students in Junior and Senior Schooling.

NAIDOC Celebrations
Our annual NAIDOC celebrations was another huge success. Students, staff and community groups made their way to the school's memorial flagpole area for the Opening Ceremony which was broadcast live to student Form classes. This year theme was GET UP! STAND UP! SHOW UP! Thank you to Kristy, Lucy and Jess who worked hard to put such a great event together for our students. 
Bundaberg Eisteddfod
Our musicians represented us at the Bundaberg Eisteddfod at the Moncrieff and of course did an incredible job with a 2nd place for strings and performances from our Jazz Band and the Concert Band being Highly Commended. We are blessed to have such committed and talented staff to lead our students.
Bundy High Hurricanes
Thanks to Melanie Currie and her team of staff who supported our Bundy High
Hurricanes boys' team who were the Wide Bay Region Representatives in the first
dedicated Vicki boys' Championships event in Brisbane.

Senior Volleyball Schools Cup
Bundy High sent two teams to the Senior Volleyball School's Cup on the Gold Coast. Both teams competed against a number of strong teams from around the State and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Thanks to Sandi Cooper , Kylie Milliken and Lincoln Steinberger for taking the time to train our teams and supporting our teams at the comp!

Jersey Presentation
Congratulations to our students who are part of CQ Bulls Touch and had their jersey presentation in Rockhampton.

JET Plan Interviews
Our Year 9 students have been busy this week with their JETPlan interviews. These interviews are great opportunities for the school, parents/carers and students to share and gain vital information. These interviews assist students transition to Senior Schooling and ensure their course of study reflects their preferred pathway.
Recognition of Attendance and Effort/Behaviour
This year we held our Celebration Assemblies for each year level where students were recognised for their Attendance and Effort/Behaviour throughout Semester 1. This is such a positive way to recognise the great work our students are doing in front of their peers. Every day counts at Bundy High!
Giving back to the community
Throughout the year our students come together and choose will worth organisation in our community in which they can give back to. Recently our students raised funds through Crazy Hair Day giving back to those in the community and beyond who are battling cancer.

Science Week
A huge thanks to Dan O'Brien and all the team involved in Science Week. Our Science Ambassadors visited our feeder primary schools to deliver our Science Roadshow Presentations, which is always well received and delights the primary students. The show came back to Bundy High for a special presentation. Students also got to take part in lunchtime activities in X Block engaging all year levels, from dry ice to Elephant's toothpaste, making 3D glasses, sticky Mentos explosions, virtual reality and light bending. There certainly was something for every science interest to engage in!

Tree Day
Our Year 8 Practical Living and Skills students welcomed invited community and family members the 2022 Tree Day. Students were responsible in organising the event such as invitations, program planning, catering and welcoming guest.

Year 12 First Nation QATSIF Graduation
Congratulations to our Year 12 First Nation students who attended the QATSIF Graduation.
This is a major milestone for these students and we are very proud of them.

Arts Showcase
Our dedicated Arts staff hosted an incredibly successful Arts Showcase event this Term. The evening was well attended by parents, community and staff. Students were praised on their high level of professionalism on stage. Students work was on display, our various school band ensembles played throughout the night and our jazz and drama students performed on stage.

OptiMind State Finals
Bundaberg High had outstanding success with two teams representing us at the State Finals in Brisbane in October.
Colour Fun Run
Thanks to Sherran Harrap and her team in putting together our annual Colour Fun Run for our students. It was perfect weather and the students had a wonderful time as the pictures show.
Year 12 Mock Exams
Our students in Year 12 have been preparing for their major exams through the Mock Exams setup by our Senior staff. This is a great way for students to prepare themselves and settle any anxiety for when the real exams take place. Thanks to our staff in organising this for our students to strive for their best!
Krispy Kreme Donuts
Thank you to all who supported the Bundaberg State High School P&C Krispy Kreme Fundraiser. It was a hug success and money raised by the P&C goes back into supporting our students.