Mock interviews
Our year 10's were given valuable feedback during the Mock Interviews held on 20 June. Mock Interviews weren't just for those who didn't have a job. Everyone got the chance to benefit by practicing their responses to our industry volunteers. It doesn't matter whether you are 15 or 50. Interviews can be a daunting process and we congratulate the students for their efforts.
Feedback we received as we make notes in planning next year's Mock Interviews:
- dressing up is better than dressing down – you want to make a good first impression.
- always come prepared with a resume and cover letter – shows you are organised and ready!
Work experience – Year 10
Close to 100 Year 10 students participated in work experience from 21st to 24th June. From aquaculture, engineering, and physiotherapy, to name just a few occupations, our students discovered new experiences, evaluated their potential career options, gained some work skills and many even secured offers of employment! Well done to all the students who participated. We look forward to sharing some good news stories with you shortly!

Career Connect – Isis State High School
We were invited to attend the legendary Isis SHS Career Connect event, which brings to Childers – training and employment agencies, community and government organisations to talk to students about careers.
We were able to mingle around the expo to talk to display holders and learn more about what they offer and how they can help support students with career advice. We also participated in talks by Isis Mill, Queensland Police, TAFE, CQU and Defence Force. Big thanks to the staff at Isis State High School for making us welcome.

Queensland Tourism Industry Council Careers Roadshow
On 16 June, four lucky students got to attend the Come N Try day at TAFE and learn about careers in the Tourism and Hospitality industry. From mixing drinks to visiting Bundaberg Brewed Drinks, the day was an excellent opportunity to discover some exciting jobs and learn from experts in the industry. Student responses included; “I loved the mixology class and didn't realise this was a skill for employment – but it was so much fun!" and “I now know I want to study Tourism and realise where it could take me."

TAFE 2023 enrolments
TAFE enrolments for 2023 courses opened on 11 July 2022. Apply at using the application code: TQEC2301.
Course guide:
CPC10120 Certificate I in Construction | 3 |
ACM20121 Certificate II in Animal Care | 4 |
AUR20720 Certificate II in Automotive vocational preparation | 4 |
CHC22015 Certificate II in Community Services | 4 |
UEE22020 Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start) | 4 |
MEM20413 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways | 4 |
SIT20416 Certificate II in Kitchen Operations | 4 |
11054NAT Certificate II in Plumbing | 4 |
SHB20116 Certificate II in Retail Cosmetics | 4 |
AHC21216 Certificate II in Rural Operations | 4 |
SHB20216 Certificate II in Salon Assistant | 4
Work Experience Year 10, 11 and 12 – Semester 2
Year 10 and 11 can apply to participate in work experience between 28 November and 9 December.
Year 12's will be able to negotiate their work experience dates between 10 October to 18 November 2022.
If you want to participate in work experience, please see Mrs Mudiman in D09.
DUE DATE: Fully completed Work Experience application documentation must be submitted to Mrs Mudiman by Monday 22 August.
White card Couse at TAFE – Semester 2
Want to work in the construction industry? You will need a white card. Head over to and use the code TQEC22WC to get your application started.
Proof of identity is required at the time of payment, for school students we suggest a birth certificate, High School ID card and copy of your Medicare Card or bank card.
If you require further information on the documents required or how to apply, please contact the TAFE at School team on
Course date is Monday 25 July from 8.30am – 2.30pm

Congratulations and good luck to the following year 11's:
We recently said goodbye to Marshall Peterson who has gained a full-time apprenticeship with Bundaberg Smash Repairs. Marshall has a passion towards cars and was studying the Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation at TAFE. To secure his apprenticeship, Marshall participated in work experience with Bundaberg Smash Repairs as an opportunity to learn about the panel beating industry. It was also an opportunity from the employer's perspective to see if Marshall suited their business and that he was willing and committed to the job roles and responsibilities of working and representing their business.

Isaac Wales has left to undertake a fulltime apprenticeship position with Neller Electrical. A strong dedication to work is certainly one of Isaac's strengths. His journey with Neller Electrical started with work experience in year 10. He worked in the mornings before school and also on school holidays. Isaac was also enrolled in the Certificate II in Electrotechnology Career Start. His passion and commitment resulted in achieving a fulltime apprenticeship.

Priority Occupations
The Australian Apprenticeships Incentive System was launched 1 July 2022 and provides support to priority occupations through wage subsidies. Apprenticeships as a Chef, Cook or Pastrycook are now eligible for wage subsidies set at 10% of the apprentice's wages for the first and second year (up to a maximum of $1,500), and 5% of the apprentice's wages in the third year (up to a maximum of $750 per quarter). An apprentice undertaking a qualification at Certificate III may be eligible for an Apprentice Training Support Payment of up to $5,000 for two years of their apprenticeship.
If you are interested in finding an apprenticeship as a Chef, Cook or Pastrycook, see Mrs Mudiman in D09.
2023 Apprenticeship Intakes
Gladstone Ports Corporation Apprenticeship Program – for Electrical, Diesel Fitter, Mechanical Fitter, Refrigeration Mechanic and Parklands Gardener. For more information, visit
Applications close 4.30pm, Friday 22nd July 2022
BMA Apprentice Program – nationally accredited trade certificates may include Automotive, Electrical (Certificate III in Automotive Electrical Technology), Electrical (Certificate III in Electro Technology Electrician), Diesel Fitting (Certificate III in Mobile Plant Technology), Mechanical Fitting (Certificate III in Engineering - Mechanical Trade), Boilermaking (Certificate III in Engineering Fabrication Trade - Boiler Making/Welding), Refrigeration Mechanic (Certificate III in Air-conditioning and Refrigeration).
For more information visit
Ergon Apprenticeships - For more information visit
Applications close 25 July 2022
Have you considered a Navy career?
Did you know the Navy has identified priority roles? Check out the weblinks for more information on these exciting roles.
Career education
Do you love animals? Year 13 shows you 5 ways you can work with begin a career working with animals. Visit