Welcome back to Term 2, I trust the Easter period was a relaxing and enjoyable time for your family.
Term 2 is always an incredibly busy term with short weeks and many school activities and opportunities for students. Our first couple of weeks have seen a number of important events including; EXCEL Leadership Camp, school ANZAC Ceremony and our school contingent in attendance at various ANZAC services across the community.
I spoke to students at assembly this week about the importance of quickly getting back into school routine. I also asked students to reflect on their performance and effort during Term 1 and asked them to consider whether or not they had committed 100% effort into things like classwork, homework, assessment and seeking help. As parents and carers, I encourage you to have discussions with your children about putting their best effort into attending school and engaging in their schoolwork. If you would like any support with that please contact the school and we will be only too pleased to help. I look forward to seeing many of you at our Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews on Tuesday afternoon.
Obviously, we are all still working with the challenges presented by COVID. The Department of Education has provided schools with some up to date advice particularly in relation to managing close contacts. Please see below the latest COVID advice.
New requirements have come into effect for close contact. If you are a close contact who is asymptomatic, you will no longer need to quarantine. However, in the seven days after becoming a close contact you will need to:
· wear a face mask while outside of your home, including when outdoors if you cannot physically distance
· notify the school that you are a close contact
· not visit vulnerable settings, such as hospitals, aged care and disability facilities, unless in exceptional or compassionate circumstances (for example, end of life visits). Please note schools and early childhood settings are not considered vulnerable settings.
It is recommended that you undertake a COVID-19 test on the first day you leave home, and every second day (e.g. Days 2, 4, and 6) until you are no longer a close contact.
If you are a close contact with COVID-19 symptoms, you must stay at home. You will need to get tested and isolate until your symptoms resolve.
Face masks
· Face masks are not mandatory in schools or workplaces for staff, students or visitors. However, anyone who is deemed a close contact must wear a face mask for seven days.
· Students over the age of 12 years who attend school while they are a close contact must wear a mask. Queensland Health recommends that children under the age of 12 also wear a face mask where it is safe to do so.
· Anyone who chooses to wear a mask in a school or workplace will be supported to do so.
Transition to new close contact requirements
· Transition to new close contact requirements If you were in quarantine as a close contact at 6:00 pm on Thursday 28 April 2022, your quarantine ceased at that time as long as you were asymptomatic. However, the new requirements listed above will apply to you for the remainder of your 7-day period.
Rapid antigen tests (RATs)
· Schools will not provide RATs to staff or students who are close contacts.
· However, schools will continue to provide RATs to staff and students who develop COVID-19 symptoms while at school.
If you test positive to COVID-19
· Queensland Health requirements for people who test positive to COVID-19 remain unchanged. Follow advice from Queensland Health, including the first steps to take if you have COVID-19.
ANZAC Day Ceremony and March
Friday 22 April, Bundaberg State High held their annual ANZAC Day Ceremony. Our Instrumental music students and teachers are to be commended, the music set the tone wonderfully and was impeccable throughout the service. Our student leaders conducting the service and laying wreaths were outstanding in their leadership roles. Our students who represented the Army and Navy Cadets performed their duties with the highest respect. It was the first time we have held the full official ceremony at our Bundaberg State High ANZAC Memorial, and invited guests commented how symbolic and touching it was.
On Monday 25 April, our Senior Captains and staff represented Bundaberg State High School at the Dawn Service in Bargara and Bundaberg. The Senior Captains and staff were joined by a large group of students at the Community ANZAC Parade march at 8:30 am. It was humbling to see so many of our students and staff come together on this national day of remembrance.

Student Term 1 Reports issued
Term 1 Student Reports were issued on Tuesday 26 April by email and QParents.
If any parent/carer has not received their students Report, please contact the schoolon 4154 5333 as soon as possible.
Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews
Our teaching staff are looking forward to meeting with Students and their Parents at our Parent/Teacher/Student interviews on Tuesday 3 May in our Assembly Hall (Gate 5 entry). This is an opportunity for all parties to meet and discuss not only your students' progress, also any concerns and future pathways.

To organise an interview time please book through the School Online Booking Systems (SOBS) https://eq.sobs.com.au/pt3/parent.php?schoolid=70258 a step-by-step guide was issued by email to all parents. If you are having trouble booking an interview, please contact the school on 4154 5333 by Tuesday 3 May before 8:45 am as the booking system closes at 9:00 am sharp.
Yrs. 7 & 8 EXCEL STEM Camp
Students in our Years 7 and 8 EXCEL STEM program along with our Yr. 9 leaders attended our annual EXCEL STEM Camp at Garapine last week. This three day camp offers valuable educational experienced for students as they work in multi-aged groups on critical thinking problems solving STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) based activities.

Ocean to Plate Sustainability Unit
Our Year 11 Aquatic Practice students visited Monsoon Aquatics and Bundaberg Seafood Smokery as part of their 'Ocean to Plate Sustainability' Unit this week. Students were able to see a commercial coral aquaculture tank and a fish smoking set up. Bundaberg Ste High would like to thank Lincoln and John for giving up their time to help better inform our students of the potential pathways in Aquatics.

CQU Business Challenge
The Annual CQU Business Challenge took place Tuesday night (26/4/22). Nikki Cornish, Courtney Little, Skye Doyle and Brianna Laskai participated in the challenge and represented Bundaberg State High admirably. After winning the Business round with a 10/10, they finished the night in the Top 4!

Instrumental Music Tour – Capricornia Caves
Our Instrumental Music students are currently on tour stopping at a number of school on their way to the Capricornia Caves where they will be performing at night.