
Technology news, 2024-T4-W11


We are looking forward to the new students starting with us in 2025. Here are a few pointers for them regarding computers and devices.

Parents often ask for advice about what they should buy. There are some minimum specifications on our website so these are worth checking. We would prefer the device use Windows 11 as its operating system and have at least 8gb of RAM. From there, it is up to parents and families and what they can afford to spend! If the student will be doing intensive graphics or design work, a faster processor will be an advantage. If they will be creating movie and media files, having larger storage space will be good. 

In terms of accessories, we recommend a hard case to protect the device. A cheap mouse might be useful, as would cheap headphones which they will need for NAPLAN in years 7 and 9. 


The full suite of Office products (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc) are available for free for students. They do not need to purchase these.

Anti-virus software

We find that the Windows anti-virus software is very good at protecting devices from malware and viruses so there is little need to purchase an additional package.

Usernames and passwords

Students from a Queensland state school will already have an account for school so they do not need a new username. Their current password will continue into the new year. Students who are new to Education Queensland, however, will be issued with a new account once they start with us. 

Enrolling the device into Bundaberg SHS

Our website has links to videos which show how to enrol devices into our system. Once they do this, they connect automatically to our wifi network and other systems.

Consent to access third-party online services

We use a lot of online services and access to these needs parent/guardian consent. Please return these forms to the school office so we can process them. 

Any questions related to this can be directed to our technicians.

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Last reviewed 06 December 2024
Last updated 06 December 2024