STAR (Students Thinking About Results) Program is a newly formed approach designed to help students build their learning and wellbeing capacity. The rubric below shows the dimensions students have been working on this year. Recently, the focus has been on capacity, with students learning to understand their potential for learning, progress and success.
Term 3, Self-understanding

Let's get organised!
This week, we are focused on getting organised for up and coming assessment. Students have been provided with the following information/strategies to help them prepare.
1. Accessing the assessment course planner. This planner outlines the due dates for all assessment items (including drafts). Students can follow the link to obtain a copy of their assessment planner from One School as shown below. Timetables are also available from this site Parents and carers can also obtain a copy via the QParents site or app.

2. Using electronic planners such as Outlook Calendar or the To Do app. Students can access these using the app launcher shown below. These apps are great because they send automatic reminders/alerts when things are due!
3. If preferred, students can get organised with a paper calendar (the version below has been emailed to students this week). Encourage your student to record draft and due dates for assessment. Remember to place this in a visible spot such as above a desk used for homework or on the fridge!
Mindfulness apps
Try Mindfulness apps to put you in a study-ready state of mind. Here are some top suggestions.

Set learning and wellbeing goals. Each week, during STAR Program, students are encouraged to set learning and wellbeing goals. These weekly goals are linked to a main SMART goal for the term/semester. An example has been shown below.