Dear Parents and Carers
It is hard to believe we have had four weeks of Term 3 go by already. At this stage of the term, with Reporting information available to us, we have the opportunity to reflect on the performance of students inside and outside of the classroom. Semester 1 saw a continuation of very strong academic performance across all cohorts which we will continue to strive to improve. Obviously the performance of our Year 12 cohort is of particular interest at this stage of the year with school assessment drawing to a close and their future pathway beyond school is rapidly approaching. This is a time of mixed emotions for Year 12 students, with many feeling the fatigue of such an intense period of study and assessment. Others are well prepared for their immediate futures already and some are still very uncertain. Whatever the case, it is important that we all support these students over the remaining few months of school to ensure they achieve the best possible outcomes.
We also saw a number of amazing extra-curricular performances from a huge number of students in an incredible variety of activities which you can see below. Most notably, our school musical was a triumph and showcased the amazing talents of so many students and staff.
Thank you to the many Parents and Carers who have already completed our annual School Opinion Survey, we very much appreciate your feedback. For those Parents and Carers who are yet to complete the survey you would have received an email from the Department of Education over a week ago with a link that takes you directly to the survey. The survey closes on Friday August 18 2023.
Over the past couple of weeks our teachers have been engaging in Classroom Profiling which is an extremely valuable professional development activity whereby a trained professional will observe them teaching a class and provide feedback on their classroom practice. The feedback from staff and our professional colleagues has been extremely positive and highlighted the benefits of this rewarding opportunity.
In staffing news, we welcomed our new Humanities and Business Head of Department, Leisa Betts at the start of the term. Leisa joins us from Warwick State High School where she had extensive experience as a Head of Department. We know Leisa will be a great addition to our Leadership Team.
2023 Early School Leavers survey
The Queensland Government is seeking the support of the school community for the annual follow up of Year 10, 11 and 12 students who left a state school in 2022, before completing Year 12. This short questionnaire collects information about what young people are doing the year after leaving state school. The results inform strategies for improving the learning experience and transition supports available to future school leavers.
Between August and September, early leavers from 2022 can expect to receive instructions to complete a few web-based questions or a telephone call from the Queensland Government Statistician's Office. Please encourage them to take part. If their contact details have changed, please assist the interviewer with their updated details or forward the instructions to their new address so they can participate.
Mayors Telstra Innovation Challenge

The end of Term 2 saw the finals of the prestigious Mayor's Telstra Innovation Awards at the Multiplex. Through multiple phases of the competition, teams from schools around the region were wilted down to the top 8, to deliver their final pitch and show off their entrepreneurial innovations to the judges. Bundy High's two teams were the only remaining state school representatives among the finalists.
Both of our teams delivered amazing presentations, taking out 1st and 2nd place. Our winning team have received a $3000 bursary to work with local experts, arranged by the Bundaberg Regional Council, to bring their concept and prototype to reality.
Rugby League News
The BDSSS Rugby League Grand Final saw two Bundaberg SHS Sides in action. Our Year 9 Boys were first to take the field in a highly entertaining game. With less than a minute left in the match, Bundaberg SHS planted the ball down and secure the win.
Our Open boy's final started strongly claiming the opening try of night. With under two minutes of regular time left, students stepped up to the plate, chipping and regathering the ball to score and force the game into golden point, bringing home the win and premiership for Bundy High.

Congratulations also to our Year 9/10 Girls team who won the Year 9/10 Dolphins 9 Aside Competition taking out their three-game series.
Our Year 7/8 and Year 11/12 girl's teams finished runners up in their competitions rounding out a successful season for Bundy High.
The Year 9 Boys team will continue their charge in the Broncos Cup competition with a Wide Bay Final to be played early in Term 3. The Year 10 Dolphins Challenge squad will also round out their season with two home matches in Weeks 2 and 3.
Incentive Day
I would like to thank our staff who organised our Junior School Incentive days in the last week of Term 2. These days are a highlight for students and staff as we celebrate the good works, achievements and great attendance of our junior students. I would like to thank all our parents in supporting their student throughout Semester 1.
Athletics Day
A glorious winters day welcomed BSHS fittest and finest students for day 2 of the annual Inter-house Athletics Carnival. At the conclusion of the pre-events conducted earlier in the week, a mere 5 points separated the top two Houses. But it was Courtice who jump higher and threw further on the day to run away with the spoils of victory and defend their title from 2022.
Overall Points: Courtice 1772 Hinkler 1551 Krone 1435 Loney 1507
Thank you to Merv McDonald and his team for a fabulous day and great way to conclude Term 2.

CARP - Cancer & Ageing Research Program Work Experience
Bundaberg State High School has continued our strong partnership with the Queensland University of Technology's Cancer and Ageing Research Program with five senior students spending a week at their research facility at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane. Our senior students, Eliza L., Georgia H., Nicole S., Shanley B. and Tiarna L. worked with Professor Derek Richard and his team to continue their research of looking at the fundamental core of all cancers – genetic instability. By doing this they continue to discover key proteins involved in both cancer and ageing. Students had a fantastic time while learning a tremendous amount.

Year 11 Rewards BBQ
Congrats to our Year 11 students who meet the attendance and behaviour requirements to take part in the Year 11 BBQ Rewards day. It was great to see a good number of students in attendance. Thanks to Chief Josh and our staff members who worked behind the scene in reward these students.
Students hit the Ski Fields
Some of our Senior Students took a trip down south to the Ski fields over the holidays. Special thanks to Bruce Haase and the team for their commitment in supporting this wonderful opportunity for our students. It was a great success; everyone had a great time and even better that there were no injuries.
Chess Champion
Congratulations to Shaurya J. who was crowned QLD Under 14 and Under 16 Chess Champion following competitions during the holidays. Shaurya is very committed to the game of chess and our school chess club.
Work Experience
Our Year 10 students had the opportunity to participate in Work Experience this term. We thank our community for their ongoing support in this program. This is such a great program for our student who learn valuable knowledge which they will take with them in their future pathways.
Go Hurricanes
Our Open Boy's netball team travelled to Nanango SHS to play the qualifying game for the Vicki Wilson Championships. Students were very successful in their game, allowing them the opportunity to travel to Brisbane this weekend to compete in the Vicki Wilson Cup, for the third time in a row.

During Week 3, this Term, our Indigenous Support Team and a number of students headed to Central State School to participate in their NAIDOC celebration. As part of the day, students and staff delivered two different activities for the primary students. A 'search and rescue' for turtle eggs with kinetic sand, learnt important scientific facts about the local 'Meeba' (salt-water turtle) and 'Milbi' (fresh-water turtle), followed by a dreamtime story about turtles and their longstanding connection to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Alongside this, some engaging Traditional Indigenous Games 'Birray', 'Thepan', 'Kai Wed' and 'Gorri' connecting students to different Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, languages and their stories. Our students did an outstanding job both representing our school and showcasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture receiving tremendous feedback from the Principal of Central.
A huge congratulations to all of our Eisteddfod performers who represented our school over the past couple of weeks. We certainly had some wonderful results, highlighting the quality of our cultural programs. Well done to all involved.

Year 7 Students Noosa Camp
Our Year 7 Campers return full of stories to share of their experiences from their camp at Noosa. A big thanks to everyone for their efforts in supporting the camp and in particular, Ian Tranent for his tremendous organisation once again. This camp is always a highlight for our students.
Inclusion Football Gala
A group of Inclusion students travelled to Maryborough and participated in the Football Gala. Both senior and junior teams competed against a number of schools. Our Seniors won their division, all receiving medals. Our Juniors played amazingly and won 4 out of their 5 games.
Staff received great compliments about the behaviour and sportsmanship that our students showed other teams. Our students showed teamwork and consideration to each other as well. Overall, both of our teams did their best and had fantastic results.

Qld first training program launched for nursing assistants
In a Queensland first, The Friendlies Hospital has partnered with local high schools to pioneer an innovative vocational training program for Year 12 students. Students from Bundaberg State High School have begun practical placements at The Friendlies as part of their Cert III in Health Service Assistance.
Completion of the course qualifies students to work as an Assistant in Nursing (AIN). The pilot program is aimed at attracting and training the next generation of nurses and carers. Students are doing the theoretical component at school and will go to The Friendlies for practical training once a week.
This is an incredible opportunity for our students and our community.

Raw Awaking Week
Our Ignite staff got into the competition of Aus Tag during Raw Awaking week. Students and staff had a great time while a few staff found it hard to walk the next day.

2024 Year 7 Enrolment Interviews
This week saw the first of our Year 7 2024 enrolment interviews. We thank all our future student and families who attending their interview on Thursday. These interviews are a great opportunity to ask any questions. We look forward to our new families joining the Bundy High community as we work together to prepare the global citizens of tomorrow.
We thank you for your ongoing support in 2023.